Rabu, 11 November 2009

Senin, 09 November 2009

yesterday seems gonna far away

at this time, its night time,,,

for "mie party time"

with uni and pb

= guilty pleasure... :(

Sabtu, 07 November 2009

Hai, i'm ira mutiara

hai,,, she is ira mutiara!
in new town with new taste, new spirit, and new bf ! xixixi

wish me luck ^.^

note. tak henti-hentinya bersyukur atas segala kesempatan ini, makasih Allah...

Senin, 02 November 2009

that you always be mine

talk a walk, we can hardly breath the air.
look around, its hard life everywhere.
people talk but they never really care.
on the street there's a feeling of dispair,
everyday there's a brand new baby born,
everyday there's a sun to keep you warm,
when its alright, yeah its alright...
i'm alive and dont care much for words of doom, if its love you need, well a got the room
its a simple thing changed in me when i found you, i'm alive...

LOVE this,,, :)

October (always) have a meaning

at the end of October,,, aku merasa semuanya sangat sempurna, tidak tahu harus bagaimana tapi semua yang aku mau terasa jadi nyata,,, rasa syukur yang tiada hentinya aku panjatkan kepada Dia. semoga semuanya dapat berjalan lancar dan tidak sia-sia. amin,,,,,

tips : mau jalan-jalan murah pake paket cinta tanah air? pergi ke MONAS... xixi

thanks for October,,, and preparing for November big project,, :))